Unfortunately we don’t get to choose the nose we’re born with and many people feel self-conscious of the appearance of their nose or have functional issues in the structure of their nose that impairs breathing. These issues, however, can be corrected through Nose Surgery, also known as Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can improve the proportion of the nose and enhance facial harmony.
Some of the aesthetic issues that many people seek to repair through Nose Surgery is the size of the nose, the width of the bridge, bumps or indentations in the profile, the nasal tip, the size or shape of the nostrils, and nasal asymmetry. Nose surgery procedures vary based on each individual person’s goals and needs. To learn more about your Nose Surgery options, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.
Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.