COVID-19 Update: Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.

Archive for July, 2017

Dermal Fillers Norfolk

Dermal Fillers are a popular non-surgical way to reverse those unwanted signs of aging. Lines, creases, and wrinkles can make us not only look older but like we are constantly run down and worn out. There are various types of facial … Continue reading

Breast Augmentation Norfolk

Breast Augmentation is the most popular of cosmetic surgery procedures. Breast augmentation is performed for a variety of personal reasons with saline or silicone filled breast implants. There are a number of options to consider in a breast augmentation procedure from … Continue reading


Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.