COVID-19 Update: Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.

Abdominoplasty — Excess Skin Norfolk Tummy Tuck

After post-pregnancy weight loss, women are often left with extra skin and stretched fascia (muscle covering). Patients seeking abdominoplasty tend to have concerns about excess skin around the abdomen.

Rapid weight gain followed by a loss of that weight – a process that occurs during pregnancy – is one of the most common causes of extra skin around the abdomen.

With weight gain, the skin and fascia stretch, and once stretched, they do not easily return to their normal size, regardless of exercise or diet. The abdominoplasty removes excess tissue to create a slimmer and tighter abdomen.

Extra skin can cause a loss of self-esteem and self-confidence. This can in turn result in patients being ill at ease in social situations. Abdominoplasty is not a cure-all technique, but in many patients, these issues are significantly improved.

Contact Norfolk Plastic Surgery to set up a consultation today.


Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.